KRA Monthly Returns

Why KRA iTAX monthly returns in Kenya?

The KRA iTAXmonthly returns in Kenya enables the taxpayer internet based pin registration for residents and non-residents, simplifying returns filing, facilitate payment registration that allows for tax payments and status inquiries with real-time monitoring of accounts. The system is supported on a 24/7 basis such that each and every day is now a working day for tax purposes.

Kenyan taxes applicable in KRA iTAX monthly returns in Kenya

All taxes must be filled through KRA iTAX. These are;

A) pay as you earn (PAYE)

B) corporation tax

C) withholding tax

D) advance tax and others

We act as your agents in the KRA iTAX monthly returns in Kenya. Our consultants are available to guide you through this process and any other tax related issues in the republic of Kenya. Tax compliance is a key component of economic development.

Apply for KRA Monthly Returns from our Online Cyber